Book page

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Youth Charter Social Coach Leadership Programme (SCLP) Fast Track Module?


The Youth Charter Social Coach Leadership Programme Fast Track Module has been designed to recruit, select and accredit community leaders, coaches and individuals already working with young people and communities.


2. How do you complete the Fast Track Course and how long does it take?


Individuals simply complete a recruitment process and a 10-hour online development and learning experience with Action Learning Scenarios that confirms the prospective Social Coaches ability in their use of sport, art, culture and digital engagement with young people. The Action Learning Scenarios also assesses Social Coaches’ with high levels of emotional intelligence, life experience and the overall ability to establish and maintain a relationship of trust, confidence and respect with the young people they are working with.


3. Can you complete the Fast Track Course in your own time?


The online process is flexible and has been designed to meet the time commitments and personal and professional lifestyle of the prospective Social Coaches.


4. What happens once you have completed the Fast Track Course?


Once accredited, Social Coaches maintain their commitment to a voluntary 2 hour minimum per week engagement through their existing organisations and will receive their unique password and access to a Community Campus Portal where they will be able to upload details about sessions with young people and all related data. The Community Campus Portal also allows networking and engagement with other Social Coaches and organisations committed to the vision, mission and values of the Youth Charter and its partner agencies.


5. Do you gain a qualification at the end of the course?


Yes, upon successful completion of the Fast Track Course, you will receive a Youth Charter certificate accredited by UK Coaching.


6. Who is the Community Campus Portal for?


The Community Campus Portal is for Stakeholder Partners and Social Coaches who:


  • Engage young people through sport, art, cultural and digital activity
  • Equip them with mental, physical and emotional life-skills and resilience
  • Empower them with the aspiration of further and higher education, employment and entrepreneurship.

The portal provides tools to plan, prepare, deliver and map, track and measure outputs and outcomes for projects and programmes being delivered with youth and communities.

Young People and Parent/Guardians can also use it Book onto projects and programmes.

Community Campus Groups allow Social Coaches, Young People and Parent/Guardians to discuss the projects they are delivering/participating in.


7. What are the impact measures of the Community Campus Portal?


The Outputs and Outcomes provide quantitative and qualitative data that will result in improvements in sport and physical activity, with a focus on young people (pre and post 16-years-old) from disadvantaged and disaffected communities.


The Outputs and Outcomes can be easily shared with policy makers, practitioners and academics to improve policy, strategy and resources, and is set against local and national benchmarking within the global framework of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.


The Outputs page provides quantitative data for:


  • Young People - number, age/gender, type of activities participated in, activities/sessions
  • Social Coaches - number, gender, level of engagement, level of Social Coach Leadership Programme (SCLP) training and workshops/courses
  • Stakeholder Partners – number, level of engagement, Public, Private and Third Sector


The Outcomes page provides more qualitative data, with gallery, video, narrative and report uploads.


8. How many Social Coaches can access the Community Campus Portal?


There is no limit on the number of Social Coaches who can access the Community Campus Portal. However, you need to register, provide the necessary information including a safeguarding certificate and allow us to process and store your data (GDPR). In addition, you will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement to access other people’s necessary information.


9. How many Stakeholder Partners can access the Community Campus Portal?


There is no limit on the number of Stakeholder Partners who can access the Community Campus Portal once the registration process has been completed, all safeguarding and GDPR requirements accepted and confidentiality agreements signed to protect private information.


10. Can young people and parents/guardians access the Community Campus Portal?


Absolutely, yes, young people and parents/guardians can access the Community Campus Portal once all registration requests have been met and you will only be able to access your own information. Young people under age 18 and under can only access the Community Campus Portal with Parent/Guardian permissions.


11. What are the Safeguarding and Child Protection protocols and procedures?


The Community Campus Portal has been designed in line with the Youth Charter Child Protection Policy and Procedures which meet the NSPCC Safeguarding Standards and the International Safeguards for Children in Sport. All Social Coaches and Stakeholder Partners can only use the Community Campus Portal if they have completed Safeguarding Declarations. Social Coaches also have to provide two references and complete the SCLP Induction and Fast Track training, which includes Safeguarding and Risk Assessment training. As previously mentioned, young people under 18 years of age can only access the Community Campus Portal with Parent/Guardian permissions.


12. How and where is the Community Campus data stored? What are the GDPR protocols and procedures?


The Community Campus data is stored securely in the Youth Charter’s on a secure server and on the Community Campus Portal. The Youth Charter manages the level of access that Social Coaches and Project Managers have to the Community Campus data, in line with our Data Protection, GDPR and Privacy Policies.


13. What happens to the data if the Community Campus ends?


If a Community Campus is closed, then the Youth Charter will contact you to see if you want to transfer to another Campus or wish to allow us to store your data for five years before deleting it or if you would like us to delete your data i immediately. Please note you have the option to ask us to delete any of your information at any time and/or to see it corrected. If a third party would like access to your data, in line with GDPR requirements, we will not release it without your permission.


14. How are Inputs and Outputs uploaded?


Inputs can be added to Input Sheets provided on the Inputs page of the Portal or in the Youthwise Activity Planner. They are then added to the Master Planner document and displayed on the Inputs page.


Outputs from Youthwise Activities can be either added to the Youthwise Activity Planner, or collected independently. They are then added to the Master Planner and displayed on the Outputs page.


15. When uploading Project Outcomes can we add our own outcomes?


The Project Outcomes are generic, but you can add project specific outcomes in the description paragraphs and then ask the reader to go to the Project Report. The Project Report provides the opportunity for you to add as much information as you would like.


16. Do we have to use the Youth Charter Youthwise Activity documents? Or can we use our own?


We prefer you to use the documents on the Portal so that we can support you better. If you are using your own documents, you will have to complete a Outputs sheet that can be added to Master Planner.


You must also ensure you have completed Safeguarding and Child Protection protocols and procedures, including Risk Assessments, during the planning and preparation phases. These are included within the Youthwise Activity documents.


17. How do you add photos to the Project Gallery?


A Project Gallery folder is provided in the Youthwise Activities folder where images can be added for the Youth Charter to upload to your Project Gallery. You can also share images on Campus Group Pages, which can be set up for Community Campuses and/or specific Projects. If you are taking photos of minors or at risk adults, please ensure you have the permissions required under GDPR.


18. Are we able to view the Dashboard summaries and Project Archive pages of other Community Campuses? Are Regional and National summaries provided?


Portal Dashboard and Project Archive pages are open for public viewing so that anyone can see them. Regional summaries are provided on Regional Portals, e.g., Greater London and West Midlands. National and Global summaries are available on the Community Campus Portal Home page.


19. Is there a learning function within the Portal where partners are able to share good practice? What works? How and where?


There are Campus Groups and we can set up specific groups for Stakeholders, Social Coaches and/or Young People. The Campus Groups can also be set up for specific projects for social coaches and young people to share their activities.


20. Within the Project Management module, is the idea that delivery partners enter the project info/meetings/notes in this section? How does this link with inputs, outputs and the outcomes within the Portal?


The Project Management area is for Community Campus Planning, Administration and Management. Only people provided with Project Manager permissions can access this area. People with Social Coach permissions cannot access this area. It does not link directly to Inputs, Outputs and Outcomes. Approved Social Professionals including Project Managers, Executives and Trustees may be provided with permission to access the Master Planner which is linked to the Inputs and Outputs pages.


21. Do you have a process or flow diagram for the Portal that shows from project inception to evidencing impact what information is entered, where, by whom and how it all links together?


Please see below the Community Campus Portal Flow Chart. The project roles and responsibilities are decided on a project by project basis, and permissions are then set accordingly depending on who requires access to specific folders for information sharing.


User Flow Chart - Community Campus Portal